9771 E. Indigo Street
Village Of Palmetto Bay
Florida, 33157


"Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is
Youer than You."

Dr. Seuss

  star  VPK Approved   star








Our Goals

Our belief is in an early start, when our children are at the beginning of their development, the time when they are most receptive to learning and loving. Emotional security is paramount, if a child does not feel happy he or she will not explore, discover and learn.
Important relationships between staff and children are therefore established in our preschool through "Family Grouping" to make your child feel secure and happy while progressing academically.
Our entire staff of teachers are all experienced and degreed early childhood professionals and they work very hard to ensure that each child is nurtured in a kind and gentle manner.

All children are curious learners, each child wants to express their own feelings and creativity. Our goal is to provide a safe environment in which they can participate in all areas to think independently, to trust others, to develop a positive self-image and a love of learning.
We provide a variety of developmentally appropriate hands-on activities and learning experiences that address activities in reading, science, math, social and physical development, emotional, fine and gross motor skills. It is important to create an environment that provides children with numerous opportunities to see and use both oral and written language, not only in school but at home as well.

Our establishment is privately owned which allows us to reinvest right back into our school and community. Our goal is to continually enrich and improve the quality of family life by enhancing the life experiences of each child here at PBP.

Palmetto Bay Preschool has been serving our
community for over "55" years!

Our continuing goal is to offer a wonderful learning experience where parents can have the peace of mind, knowing their child is safe, happy, healthy and growing with knowledge.


© Palmetto Bay Preschool
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